Here are my slides

  • Buildsystems. I talked about buildsystems in general at the university. I talked about why buildsystems are used and shown a simple demo on Gulp buildsystem.
  • VCS: Three letters that can change your life. I prepared these slides for my talk at the university about importance of Version Control Systems for developer.
  • Effective git. I talked at Evo Summer Python Lab’16 (summer internship at about Git VCS. I made a demonstration about how to make a commit in the hard way using low-level Git commands as well as I show some interesting features of Git, that can be useful.
  • A-Frame. I gave a talk about how to make VR experiences in browser using A-Frame library for that. During the talk I performed a live-coding session where I showed the very basics as well as demonstrated a more complicated project: small game which is all about defending the tower from evil boxes.