
Managing dotfiles

Recently I switched from jetbrains IntelliJ platform to neovim editor. That was a complete accident and it is still a surprise for me that it happened. On the first time I played with editor configuration a lot: testing different plugins for completion, checkers, syntax highlighting, search, etc. And it was hell of a pain to sync that configuration between personal laptop and work machine....

How to fail the hackathon

Hi, this weekend my friends and I took part in Media Hack Weekend hackathon. And we … Failed. Here I’d like to provide a few advices on how to achieve such glorious result. First of all do not prepare yourself. Gather the team right before the hackathon: you will 100% find all guys you need. Especially the UI/UX specialist. Secondly, do not even try...

Exam as a quest

Preamble Exams are over and now I have some free time to write to my blog. This year at university my friends and me had a networks course which was partially based on Cisco’s CCNA course. That was pretty interesting course and we learned a lot of interesting things there. The most amazing thing was our teacher who really wanted us to learn something,...

Redesign and some personal stuff

I spent a previous evening discovering @notwaldorf’s github. I’ve found a lot of silly but at the same time amazing projects. That was a great inspiration for me. Moreover, I’ve finally understood why my github is so boring. Probably I should stop trying to make something big and useful and just code some silly thing, just for fun. Among different projects, I liked Monica’s...

VCS. Three letters that can change your life

It is difficult to imagine a modern developer who knows nothing about version control systems or does not use them. There are a lot of articles all over the Internet about VCS and this one is not better than the others. However I strongly believe I have to write it, because not everyone understands the importance and the beauty of Version Control Systems. About...

Buildsystems presentation

Why do we need buildsystems? Imagine you are writing your own project. When it is simple or even consists of only one source file – it is obvious for you and other how to build it. Moreover, it is usually being compiled in one command. But what if your project consists of hundreds of source files? And what if it has a lot of...

Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve --watch, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated. To add new posts, simply add a file in...

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